Command-Line Interface

The ia command-line tool is installed with internetarchive, or available as a binary. ia allows you to interact with various services from the command-line.

Getting Started

The easiest way to start using ia is downloading a binary. The only requirements of the binary are a Unix-like environment with Python installed. To download the latest binary, and make it executable simply:

$ curl -LOs
$ chmod +x ia
$ ./ia help
A command line interface to

    ia [--help | --version]
    ia [--config-file FILE] [--log | --debug] [--insecure] <command> [<args>]...

    -h, --help
    -v, --version
    -c, --config-file FILE  Use FILE as config file.
    -l, --log               Turn on logging [default: False].
    -d, --debug             Turn on verbose logging [default: False].
    -i, --insecure          Use HTTP for all requests instead of HTTPS [default: false]

    help      Retrieve help for subcommands.
    configure Configure `ia`.
    metadata  Retrieve and modify metadata for items on
    upload    Upload items to
    download  Download files from
    delete    Delete files from
    search    Search
    tasks     Retrieve information about your catalog tasks.
    list      List files in a given item.

See 'ia help <command>' for more information on a specific command.


Reading Metadata

You can use ia to read and write metadata from To retrieve all of an item’s metadata in JSON, simply:

$ ia metadata TripDown1905

A particularly useful tool to use alongside ia is jq. jq is a command-line tool for parsing JSON. For example:

$ ia metadata TripDown1905 | jq ''

Modifying Metadata

Once ia has been configured, you can modify metadata:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --modify="foo:bar" --modify="baz:foooo"

You can remove a metadata field by setting the value of the given field to REMOVE_TAG. For example, to remove the metadata field foo from the item <identifier>:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --modify="foo:REMOVE_TAG"

Note that some metadata fields (e.g. mediatype) cannot be modified, and must instead be set initially on upload.

The default target to write to is metadata. If you would like to write to another target, such as files, you can specify so using the --target parameter. For example, if we had an item whose identifier was my_identifier and we wanted to add a metadata field to a file within the item called foo.txt:

$ ia metadata my_identifier --target="files/foo.txt" --modify="title:My File"

You can also create new targets if they don’t exist:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --target="extra_metadata" --modify="foo:bar"

There is also an --append option which allows you to append a string to an existing metadata strings (Note: use --append-list for appending elments to a list). For example, if your item’s title was Foo and you wanted it to be Foo Bar, you could simply do:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --append="title: Bar"

If you would like to add a new value to an existing field that is an array (like subject or collection), you can use the --append-list option:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --append-list="subject:another subject"

This command would append another subject to the items list of subjects, if it doesn’t already exist (i.e. no duplicate elements are added).

Metadata fields or elements can be removed with the --remove option:

$ ia metadata <identifier> --remove="subject:another subject"

This would remove another subject from the items subject field, regardless of whether or not the field is a single or multi-value field.

Refer to Internet Archive Metadata for more specific details regarding metadata and

Modifying Metadata in Bulk

If you have a lot of metadata changes to submit, you can use a CSV spreadsheet to submit many changes with a single command. Your CSV must contain an identifier column, with one item per row. Any other column added will be treated as a metadata field to modify. If no value is provided in a given row for a column, no changes will be submitted. If you would like to specify multiple values for certain fields, an index can be provided: subject[0], subject[1]. Your CSV file should be UTF-8 encoded. See metadata.csv for an example CSV file.

Once you’re ready to submit your changes, you can submit them like so:

$ ia metadata --spreadsheet=metadata.csv

See ia help metadata for more details.


ia can also be used to upload items to After configuring ia, you can upload files like so:

$ ia upload <identifier> file1 file2 --metadata="mediatype:texts" --metadata="blah:arg"

Please note that, unless specified otherwise, items will be uploaded with a data mediatype. This cannot be changed afterwards. Therefore, you should specify a mediatype when uploading, eg. --metadata="mediatype:movies"

You can upload files from stdin:

$ curl \
  | ia upload <identifier> - --remote-name=kywiki-20130927-pages-logging.xml.gz --metadata="title:Uploaded from stdin."

You can use the --retries parameter to retry on errors (i.e. if IA-S3 is overloaded):

$ ia upload <identifier> file1 --retries 10

Note that ia upload makes a backup of any files that are clobbered. They are saved to a directory in the item named history/files/. The files are named in the format $key.~N~. These files can be deleted like normal files. You can also prevent the backup from happening on clobbers by adding -H x-archive-keep-old-version:0 to your command.

Refer to Identifiers for more information on creating valid identifiers. Please also read the Internet Archive Items page before getting started.

Bulk Uploading

Uploading in bulk can be done similarly to Modifying Metadata in Bulk. The only difference is that you must provide a file column which contains a relative or absolute path to your file. Please see uploading.csv for an example.

Once you are ready to start your upload, simply run:

$ ia upload --spreadsheet=uploading.csv

See ia help upload for more details.


Download an entire item:

$ ia download TripDown1905

Download specific files from an item:

$ ia download TripDown1905 TripDown1905_512kb.mp4 TripDown1905.ogv

Download specific files matching a glob pattern:

$ ia download TripDown1905 --glob="*.mp4"

Note that you may have to escape the * differently depending on your shell (e.g. \*.mp4, '*.mp4', etc.).

Download only files of a specific format:

$ ia download TripDown1905 --format='512Kb MPEG4'

Note that --format cannot be used with --glob. You can get a list of the formats of a given item like so:

$ ia metadata --formats TripDown1905

Download an entire collection:

$ ia download --search 'collection:glasgowschoolofart'

Download from an itemlist:

$ ia download --itemlist itemlist.txt

See ia help download for more details.

Downloading On-The-Fly Files

Some files on are generated on-the-fly as requested. This currently includes non-original files of the formats EPUB, MOBI, DAISY, and’s own MARC XML. These files can be downloaded using the --on-the-fly parameter:

$ ia download goodytwoshoes00newyiala --on-the-fly


You can use ia to delete files from items:

$ ia delete <identifier> <file>

Delete a file and all files derived from the specified file:

$ ia delete <identifier> <file> --cascade

Delete all files in an item:

$ ia delete <identifier> --all

Note that ia delete makes a backup of any files that are deleted. They are saved to a directory in the item named history/files/. The files are named in the format $key.~N~. These files can be deleted like normal files. You can also prevent the backup from happening on deletes by adding -H x-archive-keep-old-version:0 to your command.

See ia help delete for more details.


You can also use ia to retrieve information about your catalog tasks, after configuring ia. To retrieve the task history for an item, simply run:

$ ia tasks <identifier>

View all of your queued and running tasks:

$ ia tasks

See ia help tasks for more details.


You can list files in an item like so:

$ ia list goodytwoshoes00newyiala

See ia help list for more details.


You can copy files in items like so:

$ ia copy <src-identifier>/<src-filename> <dest-identifier>/<dest-filename>

If you’re copying your file to a new item, you can provide metadata as well:

$ ia copy <src-identifier>/<src-filename> <dest-identifier>/<dest-filename> --metadata 'title:My New Item' --metadata collection:test_collection

Note that ia copy makes a backup of any files that are clobbered. They are saved to a directory in the item named history/files/. The files are named in the format $key.~N~. These files can be deleted like normal files. You can also prevent the backup from happening on clobbers by adding -H x-archive-keep-old-version:0 to your command.


ia move works just like ia copy except the source file is deleted after the file has been successfully copied.

Note that ia move makes a backup of any files that are clobbered or deleted. They are saved to a directory in the item named history/files/. The files are named in the format $key.~N~. These files can be deleted like normal files. You can also prevent the backup from happening on clobbers or deletes by adding -H x-archive-keep-old-version:0 to your command.